- SCREEN _NEWIMAGE (to setup custom screen size for the specified mode)
- _DISPLAY (forces refresh of the screen; otherwise, the browser page locks up, going into an infinite loop)
Wednesday, December 27, 2023
đĽ Mouse Tester program
Sunday, December 24, 2023
đĽ VC2023 Logiker
Saturday, December 23, 2023
đĽ GOTO Tester (Enhancements in the works)
(As of this writing, these are changes that exist only in the development version of BAM.)
Summary of enhancements to GOTO
- ignore leading zeroes in line numbers
- (this is a change to referenced line numbers referenced in GOTO statements and to declared line numbers (i.e. line numbers at the start of lines)
- new "EVAL clause"
- (can be used to evaluate either line numbers or line labels)
The test program
đĽ Which Weekday (Port and mod of an "80's BASIC" program)
Carlos Mencia shared a nice little "80's BASIC" program that takes an input date (day, month, year values) and returns the related weekday. (See this Facebook post.)
Although this BAM port is a significant mod, you'll find the all-important smarts of the program left untouched. This wee porting/modding task demonstrates one way of giving some good old BASIC code a new lease on life as a browser-based BASIC program, stored locally or hosted on the web, that should run on pretty much any modern device (even touch screen).
- run the program
- view the code (original code at the very bottom)
Wednesday, December 20, 2023
đĽ Koch curve (FreeBASIC program ported to BAM)
Monday, December 18, 2023
đ Syntax for Line Numbers
Saturday, December 16, 2023
đĽ Festive Skull (A SpecBAS to GW-BASIC to BAM port and mod)
ron77 ported ZXDunny's skull program from SpecBAS to GW-BASIC.
At first, I ported ron77's program with no changes except for some things that BAM does not support:
- DEF FN function identifiers that are the same as identifiers for variables
- Array identifiers that are the same as identifiers for variables
- screen mode 23 for rgb colours
- random colours
- infinite loop to generate a new skull for every loop
- animation: transitions between skulls (a skull is displayed for about 3 seconds before the transition to a new skull
đ New release of BASIC Anywhere Machine
BASIC Language Updates- New KEYSTATE function
- KEYCLEAR alternative to _KEYCLEAR
- DEF FN Enhancement
- Overriding TW WikiText Formatting
- Consecutive apostrophes
- Consecutive spaces
- Consecutive forward slashes
- Consecutive underscores
- Consecutive carets
- Consecutive commas
- Consecutive tildes
- Consecutive Backticks
- Consecutive at signs
- Consecutive dashes
Tuesday, December 5, 2023
𪲠Issue with ".prod.bas.json" export fixed
Fix in the latest version of BASIC Anywhere Machine.
Thanks to Al Williams for reporting the bug !
The 2023-05-31 Release of BAM (see notes) introduced several alternative ASCII character sets and several alternative extended character sets.
In the effort, I forgot to modify the ".prod.bas.json" export to include those character sets. Without those character sets, BAM programs will not work in the host TiddlyWiki that imported the BAM programs.
i.e. this export option:
Now, the ascii character sets and extended character sets are included in the export process.
I've also added a note to let people know that BAM is only compatible with TiddlyWiki versions 5.2.3 and higher (earlier versions of TiddlyWiki are missing features that BAM depends on.)
Sunday, December 3, 2023
â Code challenge (BAM or your favourite BASIC): Create a simple quine
UPDATE 2023-12-10: Due to a family emergency today, I've had no time to properly "close" this challenge, so I'm extending this to December 17th.
NOTE: I've never done this kind of thing before and I do not know every BASIC out there. So whatever I originally had in mind, this challenge is getting clarified/refactored a bit as questions come in, and as BASIC implementation-specific solutions (using fairly unique or unexpected features) roll in. All in the hopes of clarity and making sure that you don't necessarily have too easy a time with the challenge !
From Wikipedia:
A quine is a computer program which takes no input and produces a copy of its own source code as its only output. The standard terms for these programs in the computability theory and computer science literature are "self-replicating programs", "self-reproducing programs",and "self-copying programs".
A story:
Back in the early 90's, our computer science "discrete structures" professor gave the class a bonus assignment: write a program that has no input and outputs itself such that the output can be run and that outputs the same result. OR: write a proof that such a program cannot be created.
Do note: the program was required to have one or more variables, and the program had to completely contain itself.
Out of a class of about 60 students, only two of us completed the bonus assignment. The other guy wrote a proof that such a program could not be written. I wrote the program.
And we both got the same mark. To this day, I'm still irritated that he got the same mark for a proof that I had totally invalidated. Meh: I still think it was the coolest little program I've ever created. Well, until this new version I just created a few hours ago, which inspired this code challenge.
The BASIC programming challenge:
- Printing to the screen is sufficient.
- If your program has line numbers, the output must also have the line numbers
- A solution specific to features and characteristics that aren't common/standard across all BASIC implementations is cool for that BASIC, but the best solutions will handle the greater problem of handling double-quotes with CHR$(34), or whatever ASCII code for double-quotes used for your BASIC
- i.e. decently (if not completely) "cross-BASIC" solutions will be the best
- "BASIC-specific" solutions are also cool
- But let's be careful to not get into "this BASIC is better than some other BASIC(s)" silliness.
- The only statements allowed: PRINT and LET
- You can have as many PRINT statements as necessary
- For variable assignments, if your BASIC requires LET (or you simply like using it), then by all means, you are allowed to use LET
- The PRINT statement(s) must print one or more variables
- The values assigned to the variables can only be the results of string expressions, limited to and having any combination of:
- literal strings
- other string variables
- simple functions such as:
- CHR$
- Any other function that can do nothing other than work with string literals or with string variables (putting literals in the variables, getting values from the variables)
- The variables cannot be "system" variables; they must be end-user variables defined by the program.
- "INCLUDE" directives!
- BBC BASIC's "Page" variable (or equivalent in any BASIC); that variable gives the program code that is in whatever memory area, which is not the same as the program containing itself in a variable that the program sets with literals/variables and/or functions (limited to the ones allowed in this challenge).
- Features/syntax that are not common across a large number of BASIC implementations.
- If your program is very specific to your favourite BASIC implementation, that's cool and worth an honourable mention for sure.
- Much better, though, if it is a program that can be run as-is on pretty much any BASIC out there (GW-BASIC, CBM BASIC, BBC BASIC, BASIC Anywhere Machine, SpecBAS, etc. etc. etc.)
đ Simulating OOP Methods in BAM Using GOSUB
BASIC Anywhere Machine's GOSUB implementation allows using numeric expressions for dynamic line numbers or using string expressions for ...
This BAM program is a port, with mods, of the GW-BASIC "CALENDAR" program by Taung-Chao Lee and Benito Navarro Mtz, as found on Fa...
QB64 is a performance demon. BAM, not so much. So I had to mod this program a fair bit as part of reducing the resolution of the screen. A...
This program by Charlie Veniot is a port and mod of Ian Witham's C64 program found in this YouTube video. New colours are randomly proje...