Tuesday, December 5, 2023

🪲 Issue with ".prod.bas.json" export fixed

Fix in the latest version of BASIC Anywhere Machine.

Thanks to Al Williams for reporting the bug !

The 2023-05-31 Release of BAM (see notes) introduced several alternative ASCII character sets and several alternative extended character sets.

In the effort, I forgot to modify the ".prod.bas.json" export to include those character sets.  Without those character sets, BAM programs will not work in the host TiddlyWiki that imported the BAM programs.

i.e. this export option:

Now, the ascii character sets and extended character sets are included in the export process.

I've also added a note to let people know that BAM is only compatible with TiddlyWiki versions 5.2.3 and higher (earlier versions of TiddlyWiki are missing features that BAM depends on.)

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🖥 Hypnot

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