Saturday, October 14, 2023

🖥 Calendar (a GW-BASIC program ported to BAM)

This BAM program is a port, with mods, of the GW-BASIC "CALENDAR" program by Taung-Chao Lee and Benito Navarro Mtz, as found on Facebook.

The most notable mods:

  • click/touch buttons added previous previous/next month navigation
  • the current date is highlighted with a circle
  • cosmetic changes/additions
The bulk of the programs smarts is the original GW-BASIC code, which I find pretty cool.

Aside, for the giggles:

Say you were to download the program and upload it to your website (because you are a retro/BASIC fiend!), you would include something like the following on any webpage:

<iframe src="" style="width:300px;height:400px;">


1 comment:

  1. I've just uploaded new versions of those files, fixing a bug with the positioning of the circle to highlight whatever today happens to be.


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