Saturday, December 16, 2023

🖥 Festive Skull (A SpecBAS to GW-BASIC to BAM port and mod)

ron77 ported ZXDunny's skull program from SpecBAS to GW-BASIC.

At first, I ported ron77's program with no changes except for some things that BAM does not support:

  • DEF FN function identifiers that are the same as identifiers for variables
  • Array identifiers that are the same as identifiers for variables
Once I got that working in no time at all, I decided to make the following changes to the BAM version:
  • screen mode 23 for rgb colours
  • random colours
  • infinite loop to generate a new skull for every loop
  • animation: transitions between skulls (a skull is displayed for about 3 seconds before the transition to a new skull
The program's source code needs some refactoring to get it to my liking, but Saturday's Hockey Night in Canada is starting, so no more BASIC programming for this kid.

Festive Skull:

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🖥 Hypnot

This program is a port (and very minor mod) of a QB64 program by bplus.  The program by bplus is a port and mod of a ZBASIC program. run the...