Saturday, August 5, 2023

🆕 BAM "favicon" and BAM "logo and 🪲Fixed Issue with Character Editor

BAM Favicon and BAM logo

Added a "favicon" to BASIC Anywhere Machine to help identify the browser tab for BAM when there are many browser tabs in the web browser:

That favicon sort of matches the (tentative) BAM logo I created today:

Issue with the Character Editor fixed

When I added the Character Editor (see these release notes), I somehow managed to completely bork the BASIC code generated by the editor (code meant for copying from the editor and pasting into a program.)

See the before and after screenshots below, the first screenshot showing the broken version of the editor and the next screenshot showing the fixed version.  (The broken version was missing "+" to concatenate the strings, and the strings were including a bunch of spaces that should not have been there.)

Before (buggy version):

After (fixed version):


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🖥 Hypnot

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