Monday, August 7, 2023

About me and why creating BAM is wildly interesting to me


From "Administrator", some guy running a forum I have no interest in (because of him and how he is), some guy who seemingly relishes every opportunity to demean/berate/bully/attack me and the things I find interesting, he writes about me:

and main question is what he made...what ?

he use two open source projects packed it and B.A.M was born !

really this is developer ?
also he never made any program by himself in BAM from the ground
and tell us ...i made this example .
and so on and on...

Ouch.  Why he's attacking me behind my back when I've done nothing to him bewilders me something silly.  Self-confidence issues?  Who knows?  Me, that just gives me an idea about something to write about.

About Me

I'm a career (since 1995) software developer and systems analyst, now a self-employed consultant.  I'm an agile programming and documentation disciple, and I've been involved in all aspects of the software development life-cycle.

Working with Gupta Team Developer (aka Gupta SQLWindows) has been my bread and butter since 1995 and to this day.  Most of my experience is with Oracle back-end, but I'm also experienced with Gupta SQLBase back-ends.

I've also got heavy-duty experience using wikis as single-source information for documentation and all things software-development life-cycle, and as context-sensitive help engines. 

I'm at my happiest enhancing/supporting complex systems for government agencies (focused on project management related to new construction and major renovations, facilities management, contract management, tender management, financial administration, etc.), doing Gupta Team Developer programming.

At home, I enjoy hobby programming.  Being a "Chromebooks" only household, I find myself much happier living in a web browser than running traditional software.  TiddlyWiki "programming" is, to me, the most enjoyable and fascinating experience at home.

Enter BASIC Anywhere Machine

All that said, BASIC has always been the one tugging at my heartstrings.  Hence BASIC Anywhere Machine: I get to do a kind of programming that is ridiculously enjoyable, with the goal of helping to keep BASIC relevant today, and supporting that BASIC with software development life-cycle things we might not normally see with any programming language's IDE, let alone BASIC.

When you really look at BASIC Anywhere Machine, you'll see a TiddlyWiki instance that looks nothing like TiddlyWiki.  Other than using a TiddlyWiki Codemirror Plugin, all you see is my programming with what I call "TW Script" (TiddlyWiki widgets, transclusion, filtering, etc.), along with HTML and CSS.

The BASIC interpreter is wwwBASIC, which I've embedded in BAM and significantly enhanced.  All of those enhancements requiring javascript programming, and I heavily dislike javascript (I appreciate the awesome work done with it, and the awesome folk talented in it, but I cannot stand looking javascript in the eyeballs.)  I will suffer javascript, though, for the mission: BAM.

Busy enhancing/debugging BAM, I have only been able to write a few of my own BASIC programs in it.  Much of my BASIC programming has been getting other folk's BASIC programs working in BAM, in order to test and improve BASIC Anywhere Machine.  You'll find mostly ported and/or modded programs in my published programs, but you'll find some in there that are original programs by me.  (For every program, the source code is displayed under the console window.)

Oops, I've got to cut it short there.  Must make my lunch before getting back to work !

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🖥 Hypnot

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