Saturday, March 16, 2024

🖥 Bubbly Spirals

Interesting results with no fuss no muss use of DRAW and CIRCLE without the use of any trig functions.

Animated spirals made of circles, the circles positioned with the help of DRAW statements ("pen" up, and pen movement adjusted via incrementally increasing angles.

Keep watching to see changing and very interesting geometric patterns.

Dynamically changing in increments as the program runs and cycles through changing values across several variables.

Dynamically and repetitively transitioning from one colour to another colour, and "bubbles" increasing then decreasing in size, back and forth between a maximum and a minimum.

Refresh the browser window to restart the program with a new random starting point and values.

Left-click (or touch) and hold anywhere on the image to pause the program.  Simultaneously right-click (not sure how to, if possible, do the same with touch) to access your browser menu to copy the image to the clipboard (or save the image, whatever your context menu provides.)

5 Sample Images:

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