Friday, March 29, 2024

πŸ–₯Animated flower of life (-ish)

("Ish" in the sense of "I just could not help myself and succumbed to my tweaking nature.")

This program is inspired from a recent QB64 coding challenge by bplus.

' NOTE: As I was in a "get 'er done quick" mood, I didn't put much effort in pretty code.Please note: this program was created with the development version of BASIC Anywhere Machine (to test the recently added fractional angle values for the DRAW statements TA command.)

Thursday, March 28, 2024

πŸ’‘ DRAW Shapes: Vesica Piscis

For "good enough" drawings of geometric shapes (when one does not feel like dealing with trig functions) the DRAW statement makes for a no fuss no muss solution to just get it done.

Please note: this program was created with the development version of BASIC Anywhere Machine (to test the recently added fractional angle values for the DRAW statements TA command.)

Wednesday, March 27, 2024

πŸ–₯ Flower of life triangular-arccircle

This program draws a "Flower of life triangular arc circle".  For a good read, visit this Wikipedia article.

To make the program more interesting (and to see what the code is doing), I've animated the drawing of the geometric shape.  When done and after a pause of about three seconds, the program clears the screen and starts drawing again (in an infinite loop)

At the start of every iteration, three new random colours are chosen.  Again, to make things visually interesting.

During the three second program pause, you can click/touch the screen to pause the program until you release the click/touch.

Please note: this program was created with the development version of BASIC Anywhere Machine (to test the recently added fractional angle values for the DRAW statements TA command.)

Monday, March 25, 2024

πŸ–₯ 4D Tetrahedron

This program is a port and mod of this QBJS program by Vince.

I've added some colour to more easily identify the roles of the various segments of code, and I made some adjustments to have the graphic fill more of the screen.

Thursday, March 21, 2024

πŸ’‘DRAW Shapes: Rotating Flat Conical Tent

The first simple drawing demonstrates the general process of creating a flat conical tent.

Next, a full image is drawn and rotated around an off-center axis point.

Wednesday, March 20, 2024

πŸ’‘ DRAW Shapes: Capsules

I've been on this kick lately using DRAW statements for creating shapes that might normally be created with trig functions.

This simple program demonstrates how to create a capsule shape.

Saturday, March 16, 2024

πŸ–₯ Bubbly Spirals

Interesting results with no fuss no muss use of DRAW and CIRCLE without the use of any trig functions.

Animated spirals made of circles, the circles positioned with the help of DRAW statements ("pen" up, and pen movement adjusted via incrementally increasing angles.

Keep watching to see changing and very interesting geometric patterns.

Dynamically changing in increments as the program runs and cycles through changing values across several variables.

Dynamically and repetitively transitioning from one colour to another colour, and "bubbles" increasing then decreasing in size, back and forth between a maximum and a minimum.

Refresh the browser window to restart the program with a new random starting point and values.

Left-click (or touch) and hold anywhere on the image to pause the program.  Simultaneously right-click (not sure how to, if possible, do the same with touch) to access your browser menu to copy the image to the clipboard (or save the image, whatever your context menu provides.)

5 Sample Images:

Monday, March 11, 2024

πŸ–₯ BAM LED Clock

This LED Clock shows how to use BAM's 8x8 characters as templates for drawing the digits of the clock.

It is possible to alter the colors (the outer border color of digits and the inner color of digits) by adding "ocolor" (the outer color) and "icolor" (the inner color) parameters to the URL.

For example:

Monday, March 4, 2024

πŸ–₯ Level Curve Chart (two versions)

Both of the programs are ports and mods of a BASIC program by Luis Alberto Migliorero.

In the port and mod, I've added some animation, and added a loop to redraw the image with a different combination of colours.

In the second version of my port and mod, that program changes the background colour every loop.

Original port and mod:

Second version:

Three sample images (first image from the original port, next two images from the second version):

Sunday, March 3, 2024

πŸ–₯ Swirly Ribbons

This program is a port and mod of a BBC BASIC program by Richard Russell.  Richard Russell's program is a port of a Commodore Amiga demonstration program by Laxity.

πŸ“š Simulating OOP Methods in BAM Using GOSUB

BASIC Anywhere Machine's GOSUB implementation allows using numeric expressions for dynamic line numbers or using string expressions for ...