Tuesday, September 19, 2023

🚧 In the works: faster CIRCLE

To compare the difference between the current "production" implementation of CIRCLE and the "development" implementation of CIRCLE, try running the "Flower Wheel" program:

(Both versions of BAM show the "Flower Wheel" program in the IDE at startup.)

This will be PHASE 1 of improving the performance of CIRCLE.

Improving the performance of CIRCLE will involve incremental steps, with the internals handling CIRCLE with new code in some circumstances, and handling CIRCLE with the old code in other circumstances.

Phase 1
  • The old code gets triggered when any of the following optional parameters are specified: start angle, end angle, aspect
  • Otherwise, the new and faster code gets triggered

Phase 2

The old code will get triggered when the aspect parameter is specified
Otherwise, new and faster code will get triggered

Phase 3

New code will handle everything, and the old code will be entirely gone.

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