Saturday, July 15, 2023

🆕 "Include Libraries" section in the Code Snippets tool

To make it much easier to include libraries of code, I've added an "Include Libraries" section to the "Code Snippets" tool.

The Include Libraries section provides automatically generated include directives for all programs tagged as "library" (in a program's File Properties.)

For any library you want to include in a program, just copy and paste into your program the include directive for the related library.

For example, the following screenshot shows the "PUTSTRING" include directive in the Code Snippets" tool, and how a copy/paste of that directive in a program looks:

By the way, this is what the File Properties looks like for the "PUTSTRING(x%, y%, s$)" library program:

Not that for BAM programs and libraries, the BAM and library tags cannot be unset.  For your programs, you'll have a check box for the library tag that looks like this:

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