Sunday, February 19, 2023

📚 About Comments: Samples


For single line comment (as per any BASIC implementation)

REM This line will be ignored during program execution.

For multi-line comment

REM Sometimes, we want a comment _

    to span multiple lines.  The _

    "continuation" mark _

    (space followed by underscore) _

    is really good for this.

Single Quote    

' Although the single-quote is also an option for comments

' It is best for short comments, especially those that are added at the end of, and on the same line as, code.

PRINT "Hello World!"  ' The single quote is very convenient for this

PRINT "Hello World!" : REM We can use REM instead of a single quote, but it does require a colon to separate the "REM" statement from the previous statement

HTML Comment (Start and End tags)

<!-- BASIC Anywhere Machine being a browser-based implementation of BASIC,

     we can take advantage of the HTML way of adding comments if and when

     compatibility with other BASIC implementations is of no concern -->

1 comment:

  1. PLEASE NOTE: the HTML Comment is now only useful while the BASIC program exists in BASIC Anywhere Machine. Upon export of the program, all HTML Comments will be removed.

    So such a comment is only useful for "private/internal" comments, as in "pre-publishing" comments.


🖥 Fan Dance

This is a port and mod of a SpecBAS program by ZXDunny. Run the program View the source code And, a "less is more?" version: Run t...