Saturday, December 17, 2022

🆕 Directory of Sample Programs

BASIC Anywhere Machine - Sample Programs

Over the last year, I've "published" many BASIC Anywhere Machine Programs, and I've shared these programs via individual links.

(Aside: "publishing" a program involves exporting it from BASIC Anywhere Machine as a small HTML file that contains the program and the BASIC interpreter, putting this HTML file on a website, and sharing the link for people to run the program in their web browsers.)

To make it easier to share all of these programs, I created a FeatherWiki instance (an extremely light and agile wiki that is perfect for the job) to present all of these programs (and related source code) embedded in their respective wiki pages.


I love both TiddlyWiki and FeatherWiki.

To me, TiddlyWiki is all about taming intertwingularity by facilitating componentization (and single source information) and by facilitating the creation of unlimited structured information views.  TiddlyWiki sets the standard for the power of transclusion, and for the power of querying what you put in it.

To me, FeatherWiki is the one I turn to when I want quick to open and quick to edit, when I want to create a small website, and when I am dealing with information that does not involve intertwingularity.  Markdown editing (as found in TiddlyWiki and other products out there) is a cognitive pain in the caboose, which I will only put up with if there is more gain than pain.  (i.e. I'll put up with some cognitive load if overall cognitive load is diminished.)  FeatherWiki's WYSIWYG interface is extremely helpful in regards to reducing cognitive load.

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