Saturday, June 18, 2022

🪲 Get (graphics statement): specification of rectangle coordinates

 In wwwBASIC, the GET statement's rectangle coordinates must be specified as top-left and bottom right corners of the rectangle in that specific order.

The same corners specified in reverse order, or the opposite corners specified in any order, all will cause a program to fail without errors.

The version of wwwBASIC in the latest version of BAM modified the GET statement so any opposite corners in any order can be specified.  So any of the following will work:

  • top-left corner and bottom-right corner;
  • bottom-right corner and top-left corner;
  • top-right corner and bottom-left corner;
  • bottom-left corner and top-right corner

By the way, syntax for the GET graphics statement, as per many (most? all?) BASIC implementations:

GET (x1,y1) - (x2,y2), array_name

⚙ File Properties Viewer: user interface tweaks

In the latest version of BASIC Anywhere Machine:

Friday, June 17, 2022

🪲 Fixed issue: multiple blank lines causing program to become unresponsive

 Just fixed a weird issue with multiple multiple blank lines causing programs to either become non-responsive or, more likely, not run at all.

The problem seemed to happen when there were 2, 5, 8, 11, 14, or more (increments of three) blank lines between two lines of code and/or comments.

Caused by some "wikification" process code I had inserted trying to resolve an issue with wrong line numbers getting reported upon errors in BASIC syntax/etc.

Wednesday, June 15, 2022

🆕 Program Throttling Property

 On April 22nd, I had modified BASIC Anywhere Machine (aka "BAM!") to stop throttling applications.

That provided a major speed boost to BAM! programs.  It did, though, make classic BASIC games like Donkey.BAS completely unplayable.

I finally got around to setting up a user interface for setting throttling properties on individual programs.

By default, programs have no throttling.   Set throttling when needed on a case by case basis.

I've provided a wide range of throttling values (from zero to ten million, in hundred thousand increments) while I evaluate different throttling values on applications.

Eventually, I might reduce the number of throttling options (i.e. increase the size of the increments) if there isn't any value in having that many options between the start and the end of the range.

Two screenshots below:

Sunday, June 5, 2022

🆕 BASIC Anywhere Machine's "Include Directive"

 I just uploaded a new version of BASIC Anywhere Machine with a more formal/traditional syntax for the include directive.

Aside, about include directives (from Wikipedia):

Many programming languages and other computer files have a directive, often called include (sometimes copy or import), that causes the contents of the specified file to be inserted into the original file.

Syntax for the include directive in BAM:

<<include "File Name">>

  • The syntax requires everything in bold as-is
  • The only part that may vary is the file name parameter, provided between the double-quotes
  • BTW, BASIC Anywhere Machine is a single HTML file and otherwise does not work with files; technically, BASIC programs are stored in "tiddlers", aka wiki pages.
This allows us to split a large BASIC program into small modules that can be tested independently, and all be included into the main program.

I'm big fan of Componentization: Information, Knowledge, everything including BASIC programs.

📚 Simulating OOP Methods in BAM Using GOSUB

BASIC Anywhere Machine's GOSUB implementation allows using numeric expressions for dynamic line numbers or using string expressions for ...