Sunday, February 23, 2025

πŸ–₯ Rotating Icosahedron

Icosahedron: I cause a head-run ???  (Yup, that's this sponge's insta-thought...)

This BAM program is a port of a QBJS program created and shared by "vince" on the QB64 Phoenix Edition forums. (πŸ”—link)

This program port was a little tricky because BAM does not have a "MapTriangle" function to create filled-in triangles.  I had to put a PAINT statement in an IF statement that checks to make sure the triangle is not so thin that PAINT does not work.

Friday, February 21, 2025

πŸ–₯ "Spirographed" ellipses to create a colorful (32-bit, gradiant) spherical shape

This sample program shows how to use DRAW to create ellipses (I like to call this a "spirographing" approach.

The program generates a series of ellipses (each ellipse having an increasingly brighter shade of blue) to create a spherical object with a black to blue gradient color.

Saturday, February 15, 2025

πŸ–₯ "Spirographed" ellipses to create colorful circles

This sample program shows how to use DRAW to create ellipses (I like to call this a "spirographing" approach.

The program generates (in an animated way) a new circle every 2 seconds with a new random color palette of between 2 and 62 colors.

Friday, February 7, 2025

πŸ–₯ Geometric Thingy

This program is inspired by a little programming challenge by ZXDunny.

I wasn't in the mood to deal with math formulas, which would have made my program much more compact.  So I stuck with simple/mindless programming.

The program displays the image with new random colors every four seconds or so, and uses a little bit of very simple animation as the colors get changed.

πŸ–₯ Boogie Bots

This small program, based on an MSX program by VampierMSX (found πŸ”— here on YouTube) demonstrates very simplistic character-based graphics animation.

πŸ“š Simulating OOP Methods in BAM Using GOSUB

BASIC Anywhere Machine's GOSUB implementation allows using numeric expressions for dynamic line numbers or using string expressions for ...