Saturday, August 31, 2024

πŸ–₯ Lotus Graph

This program is a port and mod by Charlie Veniot of a QB64 program by Luis Alberto Migliorero (

That QB64 program is a port of a C64 (CBM BASIC v2) program by Alvaro Alonso G. (

Because I like to sit back and let myself be entranced by animation (putting the graphic program in an endless loop with changing colours), I've modded the program as per that little joy o' mine.

The program pauses for a second after drawing the center-most part of the lotus.  You can click/touch the screen at this time to pause the program until you release the click/touch.

The BAM program:

Sunday, August 4, 2024

🚧 Data Types Overhaul in The Works

Planned for the next version of BAM and currently in the development version of BAM:


  • Changing the "BYTE" data type from unsigned byte values to signed byte values (range -128 to 127)
  • Adding the "UBYTE" data type for unsigned byte values (range 0 to 255)


  • Adding the "USHORT" data type for unsigned short integer values (range 0 to 65,535)
  • The "SHORT" data type (aka "INTEGER" for compatibility with GW-BASIC) for signed short integer values (range -32,768 to 32,767) already existed and remains unchanged


  • Adding the "ULONG" data type for unsigned long integer values (range 0 to 4,294,967,295)
  • The "LONG" data type for signed long integer values (range -2,147,483,648 to 2,147,483,647) already existed and remains unchanged

Saturday, August 3, 2024

πŸ“š Function Study: CINT, FIX, INT


NOTE:  In the current version of BAM, CINT(-1.5) gives a value of -1, which is inconsistent with the result from GW-BASIC (-2).  The image below comes from the development version of BAM.  The related update to CINT will be released in the as-yet-unscheduled next version of BAM.

πŸ–₯ Code Challenge: Snacky Friends, a Donkey, and Apples

This program is my submission for a code challenge by "sVB" (as per this Facebook post shared with the "BASIC Programming Language" group):

Once upon a time, 3 friends bought apples and carried them on a donkey.
When night came, they decided to sleep in the forest.

The first friend woke up hungry at midnight, so he divided the apples into three equal shares.
The one extra remaining apple, he gave it to the donkey.  He then ate his share and went back to sleep.

A while later, the second friend woke up hungry, so he divided the remaining apples into three equal shares.
The one extra remaining apple, he gave it to the donkey.  He then ate his share and went back to sleep.

A while later, the third friend woke up hungry, so he divided the remaining apples into three equal shares.
The one extra remaining apple, he gave it to the donkey.  He then ate his share and went back to sleep.

In the morning, the 3 friends woke up hungry, so they divided the remaining apples into three equal shares.
The one extra remaining apple, they gave it to the donkey.  They then ate each of their share.

How many apples did they initially buy, and how many apples did each of them eat?

Thursday, August 1, 2024

πŸ’‘Preview Work-in-Progress Documentation Updates

If you want to see documentation updates in the works, you can always take a look at, in the development version of the BAM Programming Reference and User Guide, the Recent Updates to This Documentation page.

To might find it useful to compare the development version of the documentation with the current production (i.e. released) version of the documentation found here.

πŸ“š Simulating OOP Methods in BAM Using GOSUB

BASIC Anywhere Machine's GOSUB implementation allows using numeric expressions for dynamic line numbers or using string expressions for ...