Thursday, June 6, 2024

🖥 World Map

From Tektronix BASIC program, to C64 Simon's BASIC program, to QB64 program, to BAM program.

  • BAM program by Charlie Veniot
  • QB64 program by Luis Alberto Migliorero
  • C64 program by Alvaro Alonso G.
  • Tektronix program (author unknown) hosted on Monty Mcgraw's GitHub site

This BAM port and mod:
  • creates a custom screen size so that the map fills the browser window on a display with resolution of about 1371 x 771
  • animates the drawing of the map in an endless loop
  • once a map is drawn in some random colour, the program pauses for 2.5 seconds before the map gets retraced with a new random colour
  • Run the program
  • View the source code

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🖥A "10PRINT" Variant, BAMified

This program by Charlie Veniot is a port and mod of Ian Witham's C64 program found in this YouTube video. New colours are randomly proje...