Saturday, June 8, 2024

🖥 "Structured" World Map

 The recent 🖥 World Map program stands as a great example of a neat program created in an "unstructured" programming paradigm.

This alternative version of the program is a port of Tom Lake's QB64 program, a really great conversion of the "unstructured" program to a "structured" programming paradigm.

It is very cool to compare the various unstructured versions of World Map to Tom Lake's program (his QB64 version and this BAM port.)

Friday, June 7, 2024

🖥 Vampire Einstein

This BAM program is a port of a QBASIC program by Peter McGavin.

Peter McGavin's QBASIC program is an awesome port of an excellent BBC BASIC program by Richard Russell.

Thursday, June 6, 2024

🖥 World Map

From Tektronix BASIC program, to C64 Simon's BASIC program, to QB64 program, to BAM program.

  • BAM program by Charlie Veniot
  • QB64 program by Luis Alberto Migliorero
  • C64 program by Alvaro Alonso G.
  • Tektronix program (author unknown) hosted on Monty Mcgraw's GitHub site

This BAM port and mod:
  • creates a custom screen size so that the map fills the browser window on a display with resolution of about 1371 x 771
  • animates the drawing of the map in an endless loop
  • once a map is drawn in some random colour, the program pauses for 2.5 seconds before the map gets retraced with a new random colour
  • Run the program
  • View the source code

Sunday, June 2, 2024

🖥 JW Simple Animation 1

This program is a port and mod of Jeerayut Wetweerapong's "simple animation #1" shared on Facebook with the "BASIC Programming Language" group (link to post).

As per my almost always usual self, I've setup the program in an infinite loop of creating new images, I've added some extra randomness to increase the variety of images drawn, and I've setup a 2.5 second delay between the end of one drawing and the start of the next animated drawing.

🖥 Isometric Bouncing Ball Sim

This program is a port and mod of a QB64 program by b+, that program being a port and mod of a BASIC program by "Claude." Run the ...