Saturday, April 20, 2024

🖥 Arabesque Trig Drawing

This BAM program is a port and mod of a Small Visual Basic program.

I've modified the program to create an endless loop of new images, and I've made some previously fixed parameters a bit dynamic by setting them to random values for each new drawing.   (see source code for more details.)

Pause the program (at pretty much any time) by clicking/touching the program's output screen.

Monday, April 8, 2024

🖥 Coin Tail

This is a port and mod of a BBC BASIC program that is a port and mod of a Commodore PLUS/4 program.

(BBC BASIC program by Richard Russell.  Commodore PLUS/4 program by Georgios Patsos.  See source code for more info.)

Sunday, April 7, 2024

🖥 DRAW Spiral Graphing Demo

This program runs some DRAW statements in a series of inline loops within a larger endless loop, each inline loop transitioning from one value to another parameter within each loop.

Something like that.  I'm not sure how to word that coherently.

The animation demonstrates a large possible number of images that can be created using DRAW in a "spirograph" kind of way.

You'll know that the program has restarted from the beginning when the graphing colour changes.

Please note: this program was created with the development version of BASIC Anywhere Machine (to test the recently added fractional angle values for the DRAW statements TA command.)

📚 Simulating OOP Methods in BAM Using GOSUB

BASIC Anywhere Machine's GOSUB implementation allows using numeric expressions for dynamic line numbers or using string expressions for ...