Friday, February 23, 2024

🖥 Mesmerizing Swirly Thing

This program is a port and mod of a program by Cory Smith.

The mods:

  • addition of animation
  • color transitions 
  • code refactoring to accommodate my needs

An animated program that swirls a circular area in the  middle of the screen.

The swirl goes one direction and then unswirls and swirls the opposite direction.

Back and forth.  Transitioning from a color at the end of a swirl to another color at the end of the opposite swirl.

Sunday, February 18, 2024

🖥🕹 VFG

VFG = Vince's Favorite Game

Update: I found out later from Vince that the game is called "Pentris", "as in the next order of Polyomino after tetris.".

This puzzle game is a port, mod, and code-refactoring of Vince's QBJS program.

Although designed to work with a physical keyboard, it should also work on touch-screen devices (I've only tested with the mouse on my laptop.)

Like all exported BAM programs shared with "Run the program" links, you can save the HTML page locally to run the program in your browser when off-line !  (It is a single-HTML-page browser application with no dependencies on anything!)

Game controls

Left and Right keys on the keyboard or L and R buttons on the screen

These move the dropping puzzle pieces to the left and to the right.

Up key on the keyboard or U button on the screen

This rotates the dropping puzzle piece counter-clockwise (as long as there is room on the left/right side of the puzzle piece (i.e. not obstructed by the left/right side of the screen or by another puzzle piece.

Space key on the keyboard or S button on the screen

This immediately drops the puzzle piece to the lowest position it can validly go.

P key on the keyboard or click/touch the puzzle area

This pauses the game until a key is pressed or a button is touched/clicked.

Friday, February 16, 2024

🖥 3D Boxes in Wavy Columns

A QB64 / QBJS program by Vince that I've ported to BAM and modded a little.

I've increased the number of columns from 2 to 6, added some colour, and changed the dimensions of the screen a little.

Monday, February 12, 2024

🖥 DRAW Rotating Lace Pattern

This started out as an attempt to figure out how to rotate a shape at a fixed point.  I decided to just draw a simple rectangle to rotated it around its center.  One thing led to another, and this is what I got:

Sunday, February 11, 2024

🖥 Rotating Concentric Squares

Having a little fun with the DRAW statement and a fair bit of randomness in every drawing cycle.

  • either draw from the middle of the screen outward, or draw from the edge of the screen inward
  • random (but fixed) increase/decrease of square sizes
  • random (but fixed) increments in angles for each square
  • random color choice

Saturday, February 10, 2024

🖥 Color-Changing Xmas Tree

This BAM port and mod based a one-liner Applesoft program by Ed Solie.


  • increased the size of the image and changed the dimensions of the canvas
  • animated the drawing process
  • setup the drawing process to use a random color for every drawing iteration
  • setup the first iteration to draw the whole "tree"
  • setup all subsequent iterations to draw a new random color from a random starting point to a random end point
  • setup the star to redraw on every iteration with the new random color

Friday, February 9, 2024

🖥 String Art In A Rectangle

This BAM program is a port and mod of a BBC Micro program by Stephen Fewell.

Stephen Fewell's program is a port and mod of an Applesoft program by Ed Solie.

Monday, February 5, 2024

🖥 Fedora Hat Mod

I felt like playing around a bit with the Fedora Hat program, modded to repeatedly redraw the fedora hat in an infinite loop, alternating between two step values every loop (so often winding up with four colours in the fedora hat.

This mod started out with the thought: "why draw the fedora hat and then end the program?  why not keep it going?"  (Well, I was also annoyed by the length of the animation delay I had put into the original.)

🎉 New version of BASIC Anywhere Machine

Summary of updates

  • BASIC Language Updates
    • FOR-NEXT: Handling zero STEP values
    • LET: Bug fix
    • Line Numbers: Handling leading zeroes
    • New EVAL Clause for GOTO, GOSUB, RESTORE
      • GOTO syntax diagram
      • GOSUB syntax diagram
      • RESTORE syntax diagram

🖥 "Spirographed" ellipses to create a colorful (32-bit, gradiant) spherical shape

This sample program shows how to use DRAW to create ellipses (I like to call this a "spirographing" approach. The program generate...