Monday, January 22, 2024

🖥 FOR-NEXT: Random STEP values

Inspired by Richard Russell's post (and the related discussion) about BASIC dialects' ability to change the TO and the STEP values within FOR-NEXT blocks, I wrote this little program to demonstrate a trivial use case for random STEP values.

(See Richard Russell's post in the BASIC Programming Language group on Facebook.)

Saturday, January 13, 2024

🖥 Vince mod 43

 A QB64 program by vince, which I've ported to BAM and modified just a little.

To better understand what the code is doing, I modified the color of the LINE statements, and I also commented out one of the LINE statements that makes it hard to see what the other LINE statements are doing.

Friday, January 5, 2024

🖥 Thick Line Color Rotation

"Thin" lines in the đŸ–Ľ Line Color Rotation program results in "interference patterns", which are interesting because they give a sensation of texture.

This "thicker" lines version of the program largely eliminates interference patterns.

Thursday, January 4, 2024

🖥 Line Color Rotation

  • Lines running from the center of the screen to the edges of the screen.
  • A number of random colors stored in an array matching the number of lines.
  • In a cycle, all lines are drawn with the colors from the array.
  • Before doing another cycle the colors in the array are shifted to the right.
  • In the next cycle of drawing the same lines, the shifting of colours will make it look like the lines are animated in a clockwise motion.

🖥 Isometric Bouncing Ball Sim

This program is a port and mod of a QB64 program by b+, that program being a port and mod of a BASIC program by "Claude." Run the ...