Friday, March 24, 2023

🆕 Programming Reference: feature to try your own code next to code snippets

The best kind of documentation is the kind that not only allows you to run example code, but also let's you try your own code !!!

Update: I'm in the process of changing the navigation setup in the documentation, so the previous example doesn't work right now.

This new example, although a work in progress, will work going forward with the bonus of describing the wonderfulness of running example code (and trying your own code) right "there", where your focus happens to be.  Click on the following link to see and try for yourself:

This new feature will be applied to documentation going forward (i.e. a "try your own code" feature next to every snippet of example code.

As shown in the image below, see it and try it for yourself on the Operators and Expressions: Part 1 page.

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