Tuesday, December 21, 2021

One of the Project Missions: Enhancing wwwBasic

I've added three new string functions to the version of wwwBasic embedded in BASIC Anywhere Machine: NOW$, TIME$, and DATE$.  (See the screenshot below.) 

Try it out:  BASIC Anywhere Machine

Keep track of progress and get information at the project website.

Make sure to keep an eye on the evolving BASIC Anywhere Machine Programmer's Reference.

Sunday, December 19, 2021

The "File" Menu and the "Tools" Menu

File Menu

The following menu items are now functional: New, Open, Save, Save As.

Tools Menu

The menu provides the following working tools: "Wikify Viewer", "Diff Viewer", and "Start Previous Version"

Related videos:

Wednesday, December 8, 2021

"Program Launcher(?) tiddlers?

 In video below, I demonstrate a "program launcher" tiddler with a simple GUI for configuring the settings for the BASIC program before running that program via the RUN button that is right there in the "program launcher" tiddler.

We can use this approach to create however intricate a program launcher that provides a GUI for adjusting a BASIC program however necessary for the current needs.

Monday, December 6, 2021

Added "Diff" and "RUN" buttons to ".BAS" tiddler toolbars

 This is functionality I eventually want to build-into the IDE.

The ability to simultaneously see consoles of both before and after changes to a program, this easily, is pretty sweet.

Friday, December 3, 2021

Project introduction: TiddlyWiki for BASIC Programming


I made the following demonstration video after announcing "An all-in-one-file and portable BASIC language programming IDE + .BAS programs" in both the TiddlyWiki Google Group and the TiddlyTalk Discourse Forum:

🖥 Isometric Bouncing Ball Sim

This program is a port and mod of a QB64 program by b+, that program being a port and mod of a BASIC program by "Claude." Run the ...