Saturday, January 11, 2025

📚 Common Programming Constructs / Concepts / Elements

For some reason, a direct link to the documentation page does not work when shared on some forums/dites (Facebook, for example), so access that documentation via this 🔗 this link which seems to work fine in Blogger.

I suspect some forums/sites do not shared links that have certain characters in URL query parameters.

The link will show the following in a new tab/window:

Wednesday, January 8, 2025

⚗ "Code Block" toolbar button to insert code blocks

Try it out the feature in the development version of BAM.

The buttons will wrap currently selected code with lines of code related to the code block.

If there isn't any code selected, then the current line (where the text cursor is located) will be wrapped by the lines of code related to the code block. 

Nothing fancy, just functional.

Tuesday, January 7, 2025

🖥 DRAW to generate the points for regular polygons

Drawing regular polygons is pretty easy when using DRAW to generate the points of the polygon, using specified coordinates for the center of the polygon and using a specified number of points for the polygon.

This program also demonstrates simple animation by rotating the polygon around the center, and loops endlessly (in increments of 1) from 3-point to 15-point polygons, increasing the number of points every loop of 360 degrees.

Saturday, January 4, 2025

🖥 Bubbly Wonderment

This program is a port and mod of a "simple 3d sphere" QBJS program by issues37.

On older computers, this program might be a little bit demanding because it is drawing 4,000 circles.

🖥 Wispy Murmurations

This program is a "port" (not much effort: only one line replaced) of a really nice QBJS program by "issues37".

(BTW: my host, Neocities, is having some intermittent performance issues today.)

Friday, January 3, 2025

⚗ Experiment in the Works: Editor toolbar buttons for inserting "whatever" into a program

Try this in the "development version" of BASIC Anywhere Machine.

I have started experimenting (toying around with the idea?) of editor toolbar buttons to quickly add snippets of code (among other things) to a program in the midst of being created / edited.

I've added a "FOR-NEXT block" button just above the editor, which allows wrapping any number of selected lines (or just the current line if none are selected) with the start and end lines of a FOR-NEXT block.

On a line of code, just before pressing the button

The result after pressing the button

Friday, December 27, 2024

📣 BAM for Education

This is a draft post that I've chosen to publish for feedback.  Do expect this post to change over the next few weeks as I make enhancements/adjustments to it.

One of my objectives for BAM: make it a good platform for teaching how to program.

I'm thinking for anybody between late junior high school to first year college/university.

To me, BASIC has always been the best place to learn about the fundamental programming constructs, concepts, and/or elements of computer programming.  However, no BASIC has ever had everything I viewed as necessary for beginner programming.

Learning how to program, to think like a programmer, requires a focus on the fundamentals.  This does require the elimination of distractions, with features such as:
  • ability to access the programming language and programming projects from any device and from anywhere:
    • operating system agnostic
    • device agnostic
    • stored on the web or portable storage device (USB thumb drive, SD card, etc.)
  • no software install and no software admin
  • easily share/publish programs without any special requirements needed by the intended audience
  • no extraneous steps to write a program (like inclusion of external libraries)
  • no GUI/forms designers
  • no event-driven programming
  • no object-oriented programming
  • no file I/O or database access
  • no consideration at all for anything related to in-demand market-influenced technical skills

📚 Common Programming Constructs / Concepts / Elements

For some reason, a direct link to the documentation page does not work when shared on some forums/dites (Facebook, for example), so access t...